A+ Sports Therapy has partnered with “Scan.com” to make medical imaging accessible to our patients.
As the UK’s largest diagnostic imaging platform, scan.com make it easy for you to find & book your own private medical scan, including MRI, CT, Ultrasound or X-ray.
You can compare prices & appointments at over 200 scanning centres nationwide. So, say goodbye to waiting lists & unknown timeframes. With regular referral updates & digital results delivered quickly, scan.com significantly streamlines imaging from end to end, reducing waiting times & improving your healthcare outcomes.
After your scan, your images & report will be sent to you or your referrer. You will also have access to a patient-friendly report, with interactive diagrams & definitions to help you understand any medical jargon.
Benefits for A+ Sport Therapy’s patients!
- Fast & simple online booking.
- Affordable, discounted scan rates across all diagnostic modalities.
- Choice of scanning location, date & time, an a price to suit you.
- Patient-friendly interactive reports, with diagrams & definitions to explain medical terminology.
- Clinical report & copies of images for use in onward care.
If you are not sure which scan is right for you, then visit scan.com’s imaging guide HERE.
You can also ask your therapist or reach out to Scan.com directly by emailing them on help@uk.scan.com.